Alias: Week 13 Alias Model

Been Workin on this vehicle, refining both in photoshop and
Alias. Work in progress

Alias: Week 13 Midterm Wheels

With all my classes slowly ending I could focus on other
things. Here are the Alias wheels I did for midterm
rendered on Bunkspeed.

Viscom 4: Week 13 Final Painting

Final Week Here are the comps and design For the Painting

Great Autos of Yesteryear: ArtCenter Sculpture garden

Sunday I took a lil time out from Finals to go to this car show
that was up at school. It was hosted by Syd Mead and friends
who are a part of this car club called Great Autos of Yesteryear.
I met a lot cool guys who owned these cars and were
enthusiastic in showing their cars to me. Very fun day

Alias: Week 12 Beach Cruiser

I've been struggling a bit with alias but feel Ive got the hang
of it so it started to get fun. Here is a photoshop overlay of
the model. The body is all there in Alias But the details are
all photoshop. You might recognize the body from a previous
sketch of mine.

Viscom 4: Week 5 Canson Rendering

Well It's been a bit hectic with the term coming to an end but
I had some free time so decided to update. Heres two of my
favorite cars of yesteryear. The Fabulous Hudson Hornet and
The original Batmobile from the TV series. They were both
done on Canson 60"X 20"